Oh happy day!  Look who arrived today?!?!  Venus Lingerie Eugenia!!!  Honestly when she came out I thought I’d never ever get her (kind of like Fine Jewel Eugenia) and just forced myself to stop wanting her because it would never happen.  So then a week ago, out of the blue, I got an email from a Flickr friend who was looking for Optic Verve Agnes and saw that I had her and knows how I love Eugenia.  Well, he emailed and offered to trade!  Yikes!  I couldn’t believe it! 

I do love my OV Agnes, but my Eugie obsession is more prominent in my life.  I told myself I still would be keeping my most favorite Agnes ever (Silver Zinger) so it’s not like I’m getting rid of Aggie completely, and this was the chance of a lifetime because I doubt I’d ever get this gorgeous Eugenia.  So I went for it and we’re both happy with the trade!  So here she is, the drop dead gorgeous Venus Eugenia (she comes on a NF body) dressed in Mio and fur by Randall Craig.

About Shuga-Shug

I'm a practicing acupuncturist and in what little spare time I have, my hobbies include photography, dancing the Argentine Tango & collecting Ingerity's line of fashion dolls!
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7 Responses to GUESS WHO?

  1. JennFL says:

    Congrats Shuga!
    I know how much you love that Eugenia facemold so I’m glad you were able to get one of these!

    Feel free to spam us with photos of this one… 😀

  2. Fil_f&f says:

    I’m so happy for you!!! She is such an amazing doll!!! I was really shocked when I found out about it. I’m dying to see more pics! You know how I feel about Agnes not repainted by Seloj ;-D so in my opinion it was a great “investigation”.

  3. Nadine says:

    From what I gather about you Ms. Shugashug, YOU deserve her and all your other dream dolls to come true too! Enjoy her!! 🙂

  4. maryannroy says:

    She’s GORGEOUS ! LOVE the hair and facial screening.
    M 🙂

  5. Matt says:

    Wonderful! HUGE Congrats to you!


  6. Luanne in Canada says:

    You are not only an enabler, you are torturing me with these great photos of this fabulous doll! lol. Congrats on getting her. She is a real beauty.

    Have fun in Vegas.
    Luanne in Canada

  7. shugashug says:

    LOL, Enabling’s my full time job!

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