As you know the Toy Fair is just around the corner (although no official date has been given) and as a result of financial aid issues this semester with school, I find myself with less dolly money than I had last year.  In anticipation of the amount of money I will need this year to purchase my dolls, I have decided to put up my hubby up for auction.  I figure if I get, say, $50,000 then I could be in dolly-heaven for quite a few years.  So without further ado, here are the reasons why YOU should bid on my hubby. 

**Pictures below are included to verify the validity of my statements**

  1. He has an awesome sense of humor & can get just plain silly to make you laugh.   (Here his is cooking me some cinnamon buns in the early morning wearing a “do-rag” that he purchased from Wal-Mart as a gag to make me laugh – he did this in full “gangster-mode” with authentic gangster speech) 
  2. He loves Halloween.  This means he will plan and decorate your yard, wear costumes, scare the kiddies and hand out candy.  You can literally spend the evening inside the house watching a romantic comedy while he takes care of everything. (verified below – there he is in costume & he even hand crafted tombstones out of plaster as you can see in the bottom right hand corner of the picture)
  3. He is VERY artistic & creative.  He spins records and plays bass guitar.  He is an amazing sketcher and does some very unusual & interesting art using graphics programs on the computer.  His creative skills even lend themselves to the carving of pumpkins. (See picture below – this was all freehand carving) 
  4. His love of music spills over into a love of dancing.  He has great rhythm and musicality which makes him great in partner dancing.  He can do “regular” dancing, a little salsa but his favorite dance is the Argentine Tango (because he says that is the only partner dancing that is masculine).  (verified below in the picture) 
  5. He does his own laundry, helps clean house (well, he vacuums, mops floors and does dishes – but he does not clean bathrooms).  Sorry, I have no official picture to verify this statement, but you can take my word for it. If anyone has been to my house, they can attest to its cleanliness.

6. He is fine with being IN weddings & attending weddings.  He enjoys dressing up & being a part of another person’s special day. (look how happy he is as the best man at my brother’s wedding below)  And he looks great dressed up!

7. He has a boyish & fun side too and hopes one day to grow up to be a Spartan warrior (or a ninja).  And yes he will shout “This Is Sparta” just like from the movie 300 when wearing said Spartan warrior gear.  *Picture below again shows his silly-and-wants-to-make you-laugh side. 

8. Enjoys window shopping in obscure stores with antiques or just intersting & odd things.  In said stores, if you find yourself shopping for purses or shoes, he easily will find something to do to occupy his time. (verified below as I shopped for purses and he came to find me with those 2 huge guns) 

9.  His artistic nature also spills over into the enjoyment of art and going to museums.  He will spend an entire day admiring great art, architecture and sculpture in pretty much any type of museusm (ethnic, modern, ancient, etc.)  **Picture below was taken at the Getty Museum and again verifies that he will try to make you laugh (shown here pretending to be an ancient statue) 

10.    He is an animal lover.  This includes all animals.  He personally has had everything from an iguana to a 80 pound pitt/lab as a pet.  And for all his single years living in his own apartment he had his cat Clark with him.  (Picture below is his beloved cat Clark, whom he’d had for 10+ years and who passed away last December.  We miss you Clark) 

11.   He will attend Doll Conventions and enjoy himself at said conventions.  He knows the character names of almost all of the FR dolls and can identify with about 85% accuracy the correct facemolds.  We are hoping for improvement to 90% this year.


12.   He is very outgoing, charming & has great wit.  This makes him an asset in arenas where you do not really know people because he gets the conversation rolling and makes friends easily.  I can leave him in a store or restaurant, head to the restroom for 5-10 minutes, come back & he’s got the entire personal history of a stranger he met and the next thing you know they seem like they’re best friends.  (Again, there is no picture proof of this, but I’m sure it can be verified by people who have met him)

13.  He enjoys great cuisine.  When going out to dinner, he does not want cheap fast food (he’s a healthy eater).  He would prefer fine dining accompanied by a nice red wine.  He will watch the Food Network with you (his favorite show is Iron Chef)  He enjoys food so much that at fancy restaurants he will sneak a picture of the food because of the way it’s so beautifully plated.  (verified below in his sneaky food picture) 

14.   He can afford to take you out for these fine dining experiences, museum days and Doll Conventions because he is a good, hard & loyal worker at his job.  He has been blessed to actually be moving up in his company, which is a great feat in this economy as we have been hearing of so many people losing their jobs.  He rarely takes sick days (if ever), works overtime without complaining but will take a week off for vacation (usually he prefers to take you on a cruise) at least twice a year.  He understands a good balance between working & fun time.  **Bank statements, W2’s and Investment Portfolio can be provided to serious bidders**

15.  He is a true romantic at heart.  He is sentimental.  He loves with his whole heart and is open with his feelings.  This is an unique and great gift to find in a man.  (verified by the picture he took of our wedding rings on our honeymoon)  **We have matching bands with Hebrew writing on them.  Mine says “I am my beloved’s” and His says “My beloved is mine”

Well, there you go.  I must say that after going back over the above 15 statements to proof read it for errors, I find myself wondering if I should give up this wonderfully romantic, amazingly creative & hilariously funny man for dolls….  Hmmm…. dolls or my hubby…. dolls or my hubby…. I think I will have to pick…..

My Hubby!  Happy Valentine’s Day baby – you know I wouldn’t trade you for a million FR dolls (well, maybe a million, LOL)  And in the spirit of “all’s fair in love, yada, yada”  I will let my hubby post a response here on my blog – unedited -yikes!

To all of you out there with wonderful significant others – enjoy each other today & remember those special things that you love in that person.

To those of you without your true love this V-Day – remember that good things come to those who wait!  I waited 35 years to find this wonderful man & he was more than I could hope for. (and he makes me laugh every single day of our life together)

xoxo – Shuga

About Shuga-Shug

I'm a practicing acupuncturist and in what little spare time I have, my hobbies include photography, dancing the Argentine Tango & collecting Ingerity's line of fashion dolls!
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  1. A says:

    lovely. This *almost* made me feel ok about this crappy day where I am completely dumped by ALL my mates for their girlfriends!

    Enjoy your man and your day Shug!

  2. He sounds wonderful! And this is a beautiful tribute, Shug! I have a great guy myself, or I would definitely put a bid on yours. But I think you are right to hang on to him. A good man is hard to find, and new dolls come along all the time!
    Have a great day, sweets!
    xo H

  3. Dollster says:

    I’ll take him! Please accept my highest bid at $1 over your next highest bid.

    LOL, awesome Valentine’s post. Hubby is sure to get lots of bids. I’m sure putting this together reminded you just how special he is.

  4. LauraLA says:

    He’s totally awesome, but you didn’t have to go on and on, you had me at cinnamon buns!! I’m sure you two will have a fun and fabulous valentine’s day.

  5. Awesome blog—even my hubby enjoyed it! He was a little bummed to learn that he’s going to have to learn all thr FR character names though!! Happy Valentines Day!!

  6. Alison says:

    LOL! (You did it!) 🙂

    Happy Valentine’s day! My husband didn’t think your post was as funny as I did, though.


  7. EbonyNicole says:

    Very nice post! I hope you two had a very special day!

  8. Vickie says:

    He sounds like a blast. If I were you I wouldn’t trade him for a million bucks. Dolls or no dolls, love like that isn’t easily found-he’s a real keeper.

  9. Terri/NY says:

    Sounds like a keeper to me….especially the part about remembering the names of your dolls. LOL. My husband calls them all Tyler or Tiny Kitty and throws in Valia once in a while.
    I love the dancing part! That is hot.

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